Freedom Awaits
Do the thoughts of flying fill you with dread? Imagine boarding a plane with ease, feeling calm and confident as you soar through the skies. Modern hypnosis is a powerful, proven method to help you reframe your fear of flying and overcome it in as little as three sessions.
This gentle, effective approach works by addressing the thoughts and emotions that fuel your anxiety, so that you can regain control and experience lasting relief. With modern hypnosis, you can break free from your fear of flying and open the door to a world of worry-free travel.
Your journey to fearless flying starts here!
More than one in three people experience anxiety and fear about flying, according to the Avia Solutions Group. Many self medicate, get a prescribed medication or avoid flying completely depending on their level of fear.
This in turn makes flying for them, a particularly stressful and distressing experience.
In your very first session with Sarah-Jane, you will easily remove that fear of flying, with little to no discomfort at all.
For your second session, you will consolidate that positive change, tweak and improve the result, because in our experience there is always room for improvement.
In session three, Sarah-Jane will teach you how to apply the system to yourself, so that you will be able to upgrade your patterns of thought in the future on your own time.
Remember, you weren’t born with this fear, you learned it at some point in your life on a subconscious level. By understanding how the mind works, you will learn how to tap into your subconscious mind in order to upgrade those patterns that are no longer helpful.