Freedom Awaits
What keeps you awake at night? Are you struggling to either fall asleep, or wake up and can’t fall back asleep? Imagine what it would feel like to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Hypnosis for sleep is a powerful method to help you calm your mind at night and overcome your sleep issues. In as little as three sessions.
This gentle, effective approach works by addressing the thoughts and emotions that fuel your inability to sleep, so that you can regain control and experience lasting relief.
Your journey to sleep filled nights starts here!
Almost one in five people are not getting enough sleep, according to the Mental Health UK. Many either don’t realise it’s a problem, get a prescribed medication or have simply surrendered to the belief that they just don’t sleep well.
A lack in sleep often results in reduced cognitive function, increased stress levels, increased menopause symptoms, an increase in depressive episodes because when we’re not sleeping well, everything in life becomes that much more difficult.
Session Breakdown
In your very first session with Sarah-Jane, you will identify what’s keeping you up at night. You will then tackle that with hypnosis for sleep techniques that you can use straight away.
For your second session, you will consolidate that positive change. Tweak and improve the result, because in our experience there is always room for improvement.
In session three, Sarah-Jane will teach you how to apply the system to yourself, so that you will be able to upgrade your patterns of thought in the future on your own time.
Remember, you weren’t born with a sleep problem, you learned it at some point in your life on a subconscious level. By understanding how the mind works, you will learn how to tap into your subconscious mind in order to upgrade those patterns that have now become more harmful than helpful.